Friday, March 6, 2015


Hello there.  Usually with an introduction you would receive the persons name.  Well my 'true' name is rarely revealed online so I will give you my alias.  They call me Miss Freaky Rose, but you may call me Rose.  I honestly can't remember when I received the alias "Rose" however I remember adding the "Freaky" bit.  It was purely innocent believe it or not.

Growing up I was taught to embrace my individuality while most of my peers were being taught to suppress theirs.  Consequently I was called many things including crazy, weird, ugly, geek, and freak.  It depressed me for years until my best friend played a song for me by dc Talk called Jesus Freak.  It made me rethink the meaning of the word.  And if you listen to the song you may wonder why it had that effect on me... I don't really know, but I like what I have become because of it.

To me 'freaky' has many meanings, none of which are negative.  It means to be unique just as God created us to be.  It's an understanding of things most people overlook and therefore can never enjoy.  It is a collaboration of many interests in a single room.  It is the appreciation of cultures of lands far from your own.  It is the gathering of various uncommon items that when looked at singularly don't belong with the others.  I am a freak.  I wear long skirts with combat boots.  I giggle at the tiniest of butterflies dancing in the wind as spring approaches.  I play video games with my husband until midnight (and sometimes past) then wake up to work 12 hour shifts at my full time job.  I drink kale smoothies and eat sushi as well as sodas and cheeseburgers.  I have hundreds of contradicting interests and can see nearly every side of an argument.  I am a simple Christian wife with family, friends, and colleagues.

I know, you are probably thinking that these things don't sound weird or bad and some of them may apply to you as well.  Good!  Revel in it.  Share it with the world or keep it hidden, whichever you wish.  Embrace what makes you 'you'!  This is me, yet only the tip of the iceberg.

Through all the years I have discovered many interests, most of which are creative in nature (at least I like to think so lol).  I will be composing entries of such interests here, as well as random thoughts.

If you made it this far I pray you keep an open mind and refrain from judgmental comments.  As this blog is meant for positive thinking and encouragement while hopefully boosting the creative juices.

Thanks for reading.  See ya soon.  >^.^<

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