Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Relatively Plastic Free...Or So I Thought.

You can laugh if you want, but I just finished watching a documentary called Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and it opened my eyes.  I am looking around my home and seeing nothing but a huge pile of plastic waste (not literally but you know what I mean).  Almost everything has plastic components if not made entirely of plastic.  It's sad, scary, and makes me want to change.

I have been buying and using the reusable bags for shopping for over a year now, and still find that plastics make up a huge part of my home.  I want to do more than this in the fight.  However I know I am not able to go around the world and create a headline difference like some people can.  So I will do my part as a consumer and buy less and less plastic until hopefully one day I won't have to buy any plastic at all.  I know, that won't change a lot.  But maybe by doing this people will get curious and ask why.  Word spreads quickly from one mouth to another.

I can see my life slowly taking shape as it should be with small changes.  From the anti plastics of this post to all natural home remedies and beauty products and much more.  It's spiritually cleansing and aesthetically pleasing.  Call me a hippie if you wish.  I'm ok with that now. :)  As long as I can make a difference for the better (even small pebbles make huge ripples).

Hope to see you again soon. >^.^<

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